Sometimes, you have to re-invente your self...
Especially if you have the extreme luck
to see a Green Flash.
The Green Flash is extremely rare.
But its origin is part of our life as long as WE live:
it was there long before us,
and many generations will live to warm themselves at it.
Should I say, that I invented that allegory when I met...
That very special person?
Many people use allegories to be able to endure
some unbearable sides of their loved ones.
I do.
Starchild, Green Flash...
Never forget, that without the sun, no Green Flash...
I do.
Yes, I must admit it...
I even forget about the Green Flash Magic!
But today, something happened.
And this is why,
that even if you think,
because, I did have doubts myself...
that I mean by it
that my love for the Starchild won't last,
you could be immensely wrong.
You are.
As if it,
that green light
was only a luminescent emanation...
But no, it is only to remind us of the bigger picture...
Everything in that kind of relationship
has to do
both with the Sun
and all its particularities...
As like...
sometimes, you hurt your love,
with only a word, or 2...
To do that,
it doesn't even last as long as the Green Flash,
but it hurt you so much
it hurt you like hell
to see the pain in the other...
it is precisely that sorrow
which makes you realise how deep your loving feelings are...